Welcome to Baking with ADHD.
I’m Kerri. Baking stuff since 2019 according to Instagram, diagnosed with ADHD in 2013 (except, of course, I’ve had it forever), blogging since before 2008.
Baking with ADHD means chaos, basically. The recipe’s prep time is always a lie. It just is. I can never remember how much of something or other I’ve put in, or if I did at all. God forbid I don’t use a recipe converter to keep the recipe in one place, because it results in using double the cocoa powder in waffles–okay, that was an outrageously delicious mistake.
That’s what we’re here for: how many mistakes can you make and the recipe still works out? Despite what you may have been told about “baking is chemistry” and needing to be precise, that’s also a lie, like how long the internet claims it will take me to make something. It has not met me.
Since the pandemic started, I’ve realized my hobbies became my job at some point and now I don’t really have hobbies. So I’ve been on the quest for hobbies. Except, well, I have what I’ve been told is severe ADHD, so other than baking stuff and making polymer clay charms twice, and playing Animal Crossing and Pokemon on my Switch a bunch, and I guess reading audiobooks, “hobbies” have been a bit elusive because I lose interest quickly and/or do not have the follow-through to actually learn things (oh, right, I have a learning disability that makes visual stuff harder to learn, too). Oh, also my aunt gave me an ice cream maker for my birthday 2 months after COVID arrived here. I make ice cream. But that is a sort of cold type of baking, I guess.
That leaves baking, blogging, and that podcast my friends and I started in Feburary 2022. And maybe I’ll use the polymer clay a third time. We’ll see.